Add quality in your life, people.

Welcome November.
The warm nature image.
The hug of your friends.
The kiss of your lovelies.
This new month in autumn.
The new you.
Decisions & results.
Time to admire the amazing transformation in nature. Old sick leaves die on the ground. Time to welcome good vibes in your mood. Nasty people get thrown away in the garbage.
Each month reminds you all those talents you keep in your soul:
pure feeling,
clean actions
An amount of days, usually 30 or 31, even 28 or 29
stay there for you to plan your actions.
Creative or rebel, it's your fair desire which sets you on fire or not.

Don't let negative people adding poison in your dreams.
They may meet you just on the walk.
They may visit you at home.
They try to hit you.
They hide their snake attitude.
Do you need more?
Hidden haters pretending your close human beings?
I want your clever and strong thoughts.
If you wish their supporting way, you are a foolish loser.
Get yourself mature.
Bad persons were always close to you.
It 's your pure heart now who warns you to attack against them.
Imagine the brown palette of #autumn colors as their dangerous waste.
Keep the shiny yellow fonts as your light on your step for #success.
Learn to dare.
Learn to respect yourself.
Learn to add quality in your life.
Teach yourself how to feel happy into the cool air of the last month of autumn. '
And wish a GREAT NOVEMBER to the universe.
Let this month coming plenty of dreams, plans and beautiful times for you.
Add precious moments with your lovely people or habits, hobbies.
And if you love to cause your hidden #talents,
Find what you like to learn
within my home study courses
Don't forget your gift.
Live in beauty, fashion, decoration and smart tips.
QUESTION for you:
What do you love to do in November?
Is there any special time for you during this sweet month?
Tell me here, in e-mail about you.
I'd love to know your daily lovely moments.

Creatively yours,