Creative stories/ Window & curtain.
It's you, who needs new items. For #rooms.
It's you, who runs at stores to find smart pieces for #home.
Then you check items existing already around you and you ignore them.
Wrong tactics.
Check it & save it.

It was an August morning of 2006, when my adorable Johnnie accepted a new job movement at Chios island in #Greece.
The #house we're ready to move in was lovely. Imagine a shinny apartment with a huge yard, ideal for kids to play in, protected by cars and other dangers.
White light walls, wide #windows, clean smooth tiles, wooden doors made the place amazingly easy to clean it, to treat it quickly and effectively.
If you are a mom of 3 children, all studying at different schools, you run a lot in a daily mode for many activities. The house need to be easy to help in their life.
#Furniture is not the only issue...
Often movements at new houses demand sudden #expenses, to make the place comfy for all the family members. So we did.
One of the special details according to windows, is a #curtain.
Greece is rained by the sun rises almost during the whole year.
We can't leave #windows without curtains or roll - stores.
I had many items to use -anyways I could sew my new ones as a part of my expertise activity- but I did really needed to escape collecting a full series of curtains in many widths, lengths and design. #Closets get filled by useless things easily...
I hate to make changes all the time, leaving the item with previous signs by the needles...
Now I decided to use remained pieces of previous creations.
A single piece of #fabric colored in naughty orange gave me the vibes! I loved it.
I created a sun shaped ornament by wire and plastic liquid material and the window got dressed so stylish.
Cool white pieces came to join this main orange panel without thinking about their textile details. If we talk about items like these we ignore details of threads and special designs.
A variety of lengths let the sun jumping inside this kitchen window avoiding to put any mechanism to pull any of the panels up*( find what I used in a list next )...
By this way it was great to #decorate then -with small but lovely things- on the built shelf on its base.

🌺 What I won!
money, as I didn't buy anything
hard try, as I just made safe all the edges of the pieces
pieces that existed for years in #cabinets, got used at last
new look on the window
fresh color on the glass part of the #kitchen_room
compliments from neighbors, who saw the curtains from distance
orders to create their own curtains
Sophia asked for a new white curtain for her #kitchen window, too.
Domenica realized that she needs a double set for the #living_room with #lace edges.

I was happy to create for them, starting also friendly relationships.
I still remember the daily fun moments at our balconies drinking coffee, fresh fruit juices and eating homemade cakes, pies and meals. Familiar mood and real hugs and empathy.
List of materials for my curtain panels
various pieces of fabric/ measurements = based on window size/ 40cm (width) x 50, 70, 90, 120cm (length)
make creative color & textile combinations, as you like
threads/ needles ideal for sewing machine in matched colors or darker/ lighter for antithesis. You can sew on hand by simple sparse seams.
ribbon/ rope pieces for decorative bows
clips to hang the panels
love for creations
luck, that I didn't throw these fabrics in the trash, as they matched great to the place, window, use, circumstance. If you face them as single pieces they seem small and hard to be used but some times they are ideal for these sudden useful creations.
Shall you try a new curtain for your window?
Check the form on page Seminar on the website.
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🌺Creatively yours,