Why ''made by heart and hands'' pieces are unique.

When we talk about art and #handmade creations, we mean a worthy inspiration, to design on paper and a unique way to create a masterpiece in time, by passion.
People who attend a #project fully made by themselves, can never feel this as a boring project. This is not a cold work, a usual job, ''something'' to simply get it finished by deadlines.

That's the nude reason, why every student in #art/ #design/ #fashion classes never reach to the end of the #study_courses in a successful mode. Some of them get a wrong sense.
Art is not gifted or bought to enjoy a glam #lifestyle you watch, scrolling onto your #gadget's screens in #influencers 's accounts. People who name themselves as #style_experts'' or ''stylists'' usually carry zero #knowledge about the subject.
No credits. No experience at all.

They just point on #youth, views and numbers on social websites/ platforms, easy clicks on buttons. Upset persons who think they can get huper-abilities in no time. Automatically, even watching a #short, a #video or #reel on #social_media platforms.
Silly and rude thoughts, actually... if they think they know just cz they want to.
They insult the real #art_of_fashion.

I was 4, when people around mentioned me painting like an adult. Till my age of 8 I could prepare a complete collection of #clothes for me, making changes on designs and sizes or adding details, for more people.
My teachers in elementary school got surprised ordering to me skirts, capes, pants, scarves, handbags, hair accessories, decoration pieces, sandals with flowers, embroidery on clothes or jewels. All those lovely busy Saturdays, #sewing and creating everything.
And I've been an excellent in grades pupil, then a student. My love for the English class was equally huge. Later I added Italian lessons, too. (My ears feel them as the most well sounded among all existed languages.)

#School_years were lovely but the total of study years on Fashion, Design, Styling, Decoration plus on costume design, special techniques and on a variety of exact artistic projects were absolutely fabulous and worthy! No day passed without a sweet memory!
This feeling can't exist to someone, who pretends the artist.

He/ she is not able to feel by this way...
How to get the vibe of:
the worktime a real artist needs to inspire a design, a pattern, the complete creation, the hard handwork, ideal skills,
any detail, sudden changes on project, deadlines, originality, special knowledge,
the whole view on a final piece,
the materials with their own reactions,
the smell of the sewing machine special oil,
a sudden pain by a pin on the finger,
tired eyes to measure correctly a client's body part,
an odd cloth that reacts badly on seams,
a broken button,
a special seam made by hands,
an incredible embroidery detail existed nowhere else,
artistic transparent seams inside the cloth,
tie and dye on a creation's parts,
crazy but stunning cuts letting the skin appears stylish,
personalized items made once...
There is no way to explain this art. It costs cz it deserves it.
People don't have the right to keep a general thought on this era.
A unique handmade creation is similar in nothing to a ready to wear piece.
Yes, we all wear pret - a - porter (ready to wear) items but this doesn't mean that all world trading products are similar. Quality varies, of course but a unique item made once comes 1st in value. Dot!

Copies are also low in value.
The less is better than the bad.
A capsule collection is a lovely way to dress you up correctly and being elegant.
I can't deny my friends, a bad truth.
There is a fake attitude by bad commercial people.
They buy cheap worthless -even trashy- products, selling them in out of the logic prices. They just care about their pure and nasty profit. Rubbishes sold like gold.
If you don't know basic tips about style and shopping, you set yourself in the seat of a victim. A fashion victim, who pays many and gets nothing good to wear/ own on.

What if you could access into easy courses, which make you ready to shop or create your own items?
To avoid bad shopping.
To learn how to get the best item for each event.
To spend less, saving money.
Your money!
