It's The Smart Style To Look Naturally Stunning Every Time.

Just ready to go out. Fresh hair, trendy nails, perfect makeup. The #wardrobe is wide open. The demon inside whispers to you that there is nothing special to wear on. You believe in it.
I do also. I feel you.
Last time you run for #shopping you spent money for the 12th similar T-shirt, the 10th similar black dress, the 8th pair of trainers and the 40th pair of earrings.
Nothing suitable to choose among them the one ''it'' piece you need to cause an ''wow'' word. Even from yourself in front of your mirror. Yes, your #mirror often loves you. :)
Here is a smart list to solve this issue:
The 1st you need is to ask your mirror. It's time to #appreciate_your_image, your personality and your body type.
Dress you up by #fun.
Play & dare to #discover_clothes you have a long time to try on.
Those pale uniform may look sweet in #combination to a floral shirt.
Try to keep the hair fresh without hard work on and feel like a teenager again.
Last time you cleaned some drawer you saw a pair of #sporty_sunglasses. Cz a snobbish friend didn't name them as trendy doesn't mean they look bad. Give a try to feel them like new. Anyways accessories do the hard good job in styling themes.
The result may look amazing on your face, if you try a new hair styling, a quick up do or cute braids. Scrunchies appeared to help, too.
A #cap hat is a golden tool in styling. You wear it with confidence and you protect the hair and the eyes from the hot sun or soft rain.
Trick the game with nail colors. Try something #eccentric in your manicure routine.
Wear a basic but lovely natural color on a sleeveless body top if your belly is flat enough to make your waist looking great.
Add a slim leather belt. When a belt misses out try a piece of ribbon to fix the image.
Wear #tiny_lovely_jewels to give your sporty outfit a #luxurious_touch like #J_Lo and more #celebs do successfully.
And feel elegant. You look fabulous. And do it again in next day changing 1 piece, then 2 and so on... next time you 'll try a brand new item appreciating all those pieces which wait in your wardrobe to make you happy.

( Time passes but style makes us feel great. Check here lovely Jenn how she adds casual items on each image she tries on. Why don't you play with fashion accessories, too? )
And feel thankful to your God.
Because you have got the happy mood and a healthy body to admire it on your mirror.
Then cz you are able to keep, buy, try things in styling.
And the serious point is that you 've got the freedom to go out.
Enjoy your life, my friend. Fashion is an artistic game.
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P.S. 1. I am here for you, if you have Questions on how to find solutions in daily strange issues styling causes to us.
Living in style means to add beauty on us, saving money at the same time.
You 'll find more and more in study course F - fashion or S - styling together.
I 'll be happy to help you.
Just Ask me.
NEXT free GIFT ?
''A Smart Styling Agenda'' for you to look amazing doing easy combinations in shopping. Coming...

Creatively Yours,