What Makes The Air Around Her Magic And Creatively Positive.

Easter days came again in this year like each one does. Traditional habits cause you to improve them. Some people ignore at these days every past year's events. There is a part of people though who count each moment to meet again their beloved human beings. #Grandparents consist the best team to feel like a child not growing up.
I could never forget the knitting of the bamboo ribbons on the wooden skeleton my #grandma taught me when I was 9. Her secrets on how to tight the materials to make it a comfortable chair then were precious. She knew how to fill me confidence, that I can do it by myself.
One of the best actions to other people is to support their desire to learn and apply their skills thinking the positive result.
Her daily life was hard in time schedule. 7 kids asked their mommy to help them and work also on cooking, baking, create homemade sheep cheese right after my grandpa provided it from the animals in aluminum vases. Add the house cleaning, the helpful mood to kids after their school demands - even she didn't know many things about the Maths or more.
Women at those years didn't follow study courses.
We talk about years after real bloody wars & needs to survive. Just. :(
Believe me, my friend, if you want something by heart, the whole event 'll come true because of your pure need and love on what you asked for. She did it right, then.
I loved crafts in many subjects watching these 2 people doing so many things learning from their own tries. Free and effectively. So my time was never wasted again. We gave shape and taste to the most smooth cookies into the old built oven. Saving the milk, the cocoa or sugar in jars for more recipes.
The poor house smelled like a fairytale. I was a smiley child. These were life lessons. In my fantasy I was living in a wonderful palace, not into a stone house existing from 1910!

My mom, as the oldest among her brothers told often that her dad was lovely creative. Wondering how he prevented everything in its best way. Miss you, so much, #grandpa!
The puffy warm bread let chocolate cream making a spectacular snack at afternoons.
And both with grandma never asked me to calm down.
Anyways, I didn't do worthless noises. Easter days demand a quiet, fair, #love_mood, though. A #good_heart should be inside us to teach us the nice path in life. Sweets, decorative eggs, simple fasting foods till the Big Easter day painted canvas in my mind and I started to count each relative who 'll gonna appear in the yard.
The perfect scenery on each year:
A huge table for all and #country_music 'll get us all in the festive mood.
My dad 'll also help in works here, as he uses to take part in events like this.
My mom won't ask me to limit down anything.
It 'll be #celebration time for Jesus.
Brothers, cousins, relatives and neighbors are here, too. What else to ask for?

Love decorates, feeds, causes great feelings among people. All look perfect.
Our soul gets #positivity and good vibes from a good heart, too. I love to keep nice advices from my people supporting the present time of my life. Being emotional means you still keep the sensitive, rare benefit to appreciate people. To feel them or to teach them.
That's why I love to educate people. It's an amazing feeling, to see how people need help on things you can give a hand. Stay tuned. If you like to learn things - save money, home study courses are coming...! You thank me later.
to all of you, if you celebrate on these days.
( Here is my musical suggestion to move your feet on Greek tradition on this day. Enjoy!!! )
Do you love learning things?
Who support you like my grandparents did to me?
What makes you to give up?
I'd love to hear from you.
Drop me a line here or even in e-mail.
It's great to exchange views on topics.
P.S. 1. I am here for you, if you have Questions on how to find solutions in daily strange issues styling causes to our lifestyle.
Living with people is nice but you need to learn from their attitude.
I 'll be happy to help you.
Just Ask me.

Creatively Yours,