An Easy Way To Create Calmness For You And Your Lovelies.

We live in a house sharing life moments in our #rooms.
If the weather allows us to stay out, we prefer to sit in an arm chair in the balcony or on a sofa in a yard.
Close your eyes and think: Colorful or pale flowers, fatty green plants, soft pillows, soft drinks, yummy desserts and lovely people complete our #relaxing mood there. #Out_spaces are made to take our tiredness away.
Then we think that having a place like this sounds ideal but...boy! THIS COSTS A LOT.
So, we continue to spend time, moments, hours, staying closed in rooms.
Often being alone with a TV machine or a cellphone in the hand.
And lights coming from an electricity provider.
Cold ordinary things.
We are to live like this if the weather in cold or heavy. At those circumstances we like to live in warmness and our rooms are like real nests. We love them.

Time to create #home_beauty.
What do you think it's needed to make the out place simply better for you to stay there?
How much money do you need to spend on creating objects to admire these out spaces at your home?
2 different - opposite steps.
If you like #expensive things you have to accept their high prices.
If you are #creative enough you can #do_it_yourself.
It's so simple to go on mentioning these 2 steps.

If the climate is often good enough in your country, keep a balcony or fence.
If there is not one in your house, put light curtains on a room's window keeping it open to let the sun light getting in and out easily. Like a friend.
A park close to your house is the best located place. You can join it every day just walking or doing sports, enjoying with your pets - if they're allowed in it - and meeting neighbors or friends. A party is suddenly given just holding fresh water in your hand, exchanging sweet words with people who feel happy meeting you there.
Keep it simple. If a corner can be a relaxing place for you, use it as a balcony/ yard.
just remove heavy furniture items, rags, glasses.
put plants, flowers and wooden items,
natural material on objects like baskets, vases, floors, windows,
soft cushions, colorful or neutral fabrics,
low sofas,
small chairs,
comfy arm chairs,
small tables,
bamboo seats...
... and call your people to join your daily routine. Just bringing true love, a warm hug, supportive mood and emotion.
Touch smooth surfaces. Sit down feeling the earth, even you live in a luxurious house or in a simple apartment, with the basic equipment, you need to know something serious and precious:
The best decoration in each house is the owner's mood in it! To feel relaxed, full in love with the life moments she/ he likes to meet in it.

What about you?
Any amazing #park?
Do you relax in it?
I 'd love to hear from you.
Drop me a line here or even in e-mail.
It's great to exchange views on topics.
P.S. 1. I am here for you, if you have Questions on how to find solutions in daily strange issues home causes to us.
Living in houses means to move things or getting damaged things repaired.
I 'll be happy to help you.
Just Ask me.
