Enjoy decorating your Easter eggs.

You just need your besties, some simple materials and your funny mood.
You just want to create beautiful things and precious life moments.
You just love the #Easter_Days.
And I'm here to give you ideas on how to #decorate your amazing #Easter_Eggs.
Adorable in design and super tasty to littles and adults, also.
No limits on design.
ink colors
acrylic colors
aquarelle light colors
tiny beads, pearls
lace details
colored glue
smooth bows, ribbons, tulle, felt
paper figures
tiny hats when you create faces on eggs
sticks or glitter glow
What to design?
On beige natural egg's color I add face details making ladies and gentlemen.
I add places, churches, moonlight time, boats, beach pictures with ink.
On white ones?
Some times I add:
painting with dots

Play with color combinations
black - white
green - blue
rose - lilac
red - yellow
yellow - mauve
black - red
red - gold
blue - silver
silver - black - white
red - black - white
Cook all eggs
Boil #eggs in plenty water - in a deep jar - on law temperature.
Use eggs left for many hours in room temperature putting them in cold water from the beginning.
Let them about 20 minutes to get boiled.
Using a wooden tool put them carefully on soft paper to let dry and get them cold.
Start to decorate them treating them carefully.
Put the amazing egg on #Easter_egg cases.
Feel proud of your talent to add beauty on these cute items.
Put on the living room table and let your people to feel the #Easter_spirit.

Celebrate among decorative eggs, then, exchange blessing words with your lovelies, stay in hugs, eat & drink together.
Live the day.
Love people around and share your sincere #blessings to everyone.
Happy Easter, my friend!
Are you curious a bit?
Easter Days in Corfu Island in Greece in this video. Enjoy celebration tips at those place.
Do you paint your Easter Eggs ? Show me!
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