What & why.

The story is hard.
Some times even your best clothes get hurt.
Think of a sad event. Your best friend asks for your lovely shirt.
You trust close people.
She feels great out and while her dancing time a thick drink causes a nasty stain on her long sleeve.
The silken fabric looks bad.
Of course she feels shy and sad but even after the professional cleaning
your shirt looks ready to jump into the bin for ever.
It may have got holes.
Oh, no! You shouldn't let her wearing your precious shirt.
The lucky time when we wear some item of another person ends up badly. Take the responsibility to save it plus the relation with the person.

Who to trust to save your damaged clothes?
You want to save the cloth.
If then your 1st word asking the artist/ sewer is about the total price of his work, don't feel sure that he/she 'll feel happy.
You insult all those professional people who adore their art by asking just the theme which is connected to your wallet.
Life is hard for everyone.
Take a look on points.
You have a damaged cloth that you can NOT wear anymore. It's not ideal. Not looking good.
The person in front of you explains to you all about the work it needs to get repaired.
This is a work. A VERY delicate work.
This person has to do his best to save it, in time, in a logical price, after hard working time for his hands. His skills are amazing. He may have been studying the subject for years.
A tired body is here for your very own issues. It's a real work, dude.
Sewing is a hobby for some exact people but you talk now with a person who selected this job as a main one in his life. So talk to him giving the respect he deserves to.
Nasty words.
Some people are rude.
Even they don't have the knowledge for this work they talk about it like being an easy one. They insist to talk about ridiculous prices for hard work on their clothes.
This is unfair.
Each damage varies to another.
It takes different skills, materials, ways, actions when a cloth is for example... burnt on a side
than if it has got holes.
If it's overused it needs a special solution that varies to another
which needs length on parts or width works.
Listen to every info about the damage.
Decide if you 'll leave it to get it repaired, finally.
Take mention of:
The cloth real worth,
the 1st expense when you bought it,
the bad luck after the damage,
the times you think that you'll wear it in the future,
the emotional part of the story,
the real work of the repair person,
the sincere opinion of him,
give you the final word on the issue.
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Are you happy with your sewer artist?
Does he/ she save your clothes effectively after a damage?
I'd love to hear from you.
Drop me a line here or even in e-mail.
It's great to exchange views on topics.
P.S. 1. I am here for you, if you have Questions on how to find solutions in daily strange issues styling causes to us.
Check my FREE worthy tips you can get from all articles in this blog.
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Creatively Yours,
